Advantages of liquid wallpaper

by eco-economic

In the field of interior decoration of the premises, the unprecedented demand was found – liquid wallpaper. They can be considered a direct result of the progress of the construction sphere. They are very different from all familiar finishing materials.

Low cost

Like most innovative building materials, liquid wallpaper is originally aimed at the lowest possible cost. They may well please consumers with quite reasonable prices. The reason for the low price of such wallpapers does not lies at all in saving on quality and quality, but rather, in the banality and cheapness of the source materials. Liquid wallpaper from cellulose and fibers of cotton with the addition of special adhesive substances are produced – very cheap and affordable materials. And the process of their manufacture itself is incredibly simple. As a result, the desire to buy liquid wallpaper as an alternative to other popular types of wallpaper – it seems quite justified. You may also be interesting to repair apartments at optimal prices.

Simplicity of repair

In the case of minor damage to the wall pasted with traditional vinyl or paper wallpaper, you would be forced to overlap a whole area, while sacrificing the attractiveness of the coating. However, the process of repairing liquid wallpaper itself is much easier. To restore them, you just need to remove the damaged fragment, and apply a new one in its place using a spatula. And even due to drying, the updated layer does not form any joints and layers, which completely eliminates the appearance of the repair.

Vapor permeability

Liquid wallpaper is individual in the fact that they do not have a high density, and consist of many special microcapillary channels. The porous structure of liquid wallpaper significantly favors the improvement of air exchange in the room, which eliminates the stagnation of air. In order to improve your family’s health, liquid wallpaper to buy more than reasonable.


Liquid wallpaper, not taking into account their phenomenal technical qualities, are also good and externally. Similarly, any widespread type of finishing materials, this type of wallpaper offers the client an incredible choice of options for various colors and textures. Due to this, design options that you will be able to embody with liquid wallpaper are limited only by your imagination. In addition, for their use, the maximum smooth surface is simply not needed, since during the drying process, defects are hidden by the texture of liquid wallpaper.

Liquid wallpaper is considered one of the most technological finishing materials of the last decade, because with actually the complete lack of any disadvantages, they easily beat any of the analogues!

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