Advantages of wooden houses

by eco-economic

Wanting to build a tree building, whether it be a house or a bathhouse, a person faces a choice of building materials. From a fairly wide assortment of modern building materials, a wooden beam and the usual log are very popular.

With very similar characteristics of these materials, the construction of houses from timber and logs needs to use various approaches and techniques.

NOTE, that the log for our country is the most familiar building material. In the course of various construction work, as a rule, simple and allocated logs are used. At the same time, working with simple logs requires the builder of very great experience and skill. When erecting a house from logs, you need to take into account the difference in thickness in a lump and the top of the log. In addition, logs have different weights on the southern and northern sides, which they acquired in the process of growth. On the south side, the vital rings of the tree are much denser, respectively, the wood will be harder.

It is because of this modern construction that they are increasingly preferred by gallected logs. With the help of special technical equipment, logs are given an accurate round shape and the same thickness along the entire duration of the body of the barrel.

The fact that the baths built from the galled logs have a number of undeniable advantages is indisputable.

EG, buildings erected in traditionally Russian style, have wonderful thermal characteristics, perfectly protected from blowing with winds.

The disadvantages can be attributed to FIRST Things FIRST, the difficulty in installing a log house – you need to extort the grooves in logs, accurately adjust and correctly install a log house. It is all this grouting that takes a lot of effort and time from the master. In addition, it is recommended to finish the wooden house from the inside with natural material – lining. This is the goal of getting a noble type of interior.

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