DIY toilet in the country

by eco-economic

DIY toilet in the country

Many people living in cities with a large population have a country site. Everyone seeks to equip it with all the necessary amenities so that the vacation in the bosom of nature is pleasant and comfortable.

One of these amenities toilet. First of all, you need to choose a place for its construction. And for this one should take into account the level of groundwater, soil composition, wind rose, the location of their and neighboring buildings, including wells with drinking water. Then, it is necessary to summarize all the information about your country site. So the depth of the cesspool will depend on the level of groundwater. If the plot with a slope, then the toilet is installed below the well. At the same time, the distance between them should be at least 25-30 meters, otherwise there is a risk of drinking water pollution. So that the unpleasant odor does not spread towards residential buildings, the wind rose is taken into account. If limestone is present in the soil, then a punch or scrap may need.

Having decided on the installation site of the toilet, it is necessary to decide on which building material the toilet will be built. Everything that is available in the country is suitable for this: wooden pillars, a beam, boards, lining, slate, roofing material, nails, screws, metal corners and much more.

First, the cesspool is dug up on which the toilet itself is installed. If the pillars are wooden, they can be covered with working out to reduce the process of rotting. A ventilation runoff is made behind the toilet to extract compost through it. The pit itself can be poured with cement or lay out brickwork, and its walls can be coated with a thick layer of clay. So that the toilet does not have a fetid smell, it is necessary to provide a ventilation system. So, using the pipe, an extract is built, which is installed above the toilet, and is protected by a cap. The roof is made single -to -shuttered, covered with water -repellent material. The design of the toilet house is completely dependent on the fantasy of the builder.

Extraordinary issue of waste processing. For these purposes, peat, ash, sawdust and bacteria are used. Thanks to them, the process of composting is accelerated and the spread of an unpleasant odor is prevented.

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