by eco-economic

Perhaps there is not a single knowledgeable person who would engage in independent construction issues who would not hear about such a form of roofing material as a soft roof. The advantages of this modern coating are much said and written, so we will not focus on the positive qualities of the roof.

Today we will talk about how a soft roof is mounted with your own hands. So, what is necessary to complete the task. First of all, the availability of time and good weather. By the way, you did not forget to install a septic tank for a summer residence, because such a device will save from unpleasant odors in the process of installing a roof.

Installation work on installing a soft roof must be carried out in dry and warm weather, following the temperature. It should be plus. If it is necessary to install this type of roof in the winter, then you must withstand the tiles in the room with room temperature before starting work.

Temperature regime during installation

The choice of a named such temperature regime is explained by some features of a sheet consisting of several “tiles”. They can be attached to the surface with nails or a self -adhesive layer, which is located on the inside. The tightness of this material is ensured by heat from sunlight, under their influence the sheets are soldered.

This cannot happen at minus temperatures. That is why a very important point in laying a soft roof is the temperature regime of the environment.

Similar materials:

Practice confirms that building materials must be purchased purely from manufacturers.

The aerators for the roof are devices that are intended to remove excess moisture from the subcutaneous space.

Plums for the roof are designed, first of all, to protect the roofing places with other elements of the structure from atmospheric precipitation.

Roof repair, which is made of sheet steel, usually depends on the nature and degree of wear and is divided into several types, namely, current and capital.

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