Drywall interior partition

by eco-economic

Drywall interior partition

If there is a need to divide one large room into two or slightly smaller ones, a partition from drywall will come to the rescue. The partition from this light and inexpensive material has many advantages: small mass, high resistance to fire, even surface to finish, does not require great effort and time for installation, the installation process itself is also unimaginally, in the partition you can hide communications.

Installation sequence.

The first stage will be the marking of the future partition. First you need to mark the floor, while taking into account the doorway. Also on the floor, vertical profiles can also be noted.

Then the marking is transferred using a plumb line or laser level to the ceiling and walls.

After the marking is made, you can endure the installation of the frame. Here you can use both a metal profile and a wooden beam. Preference is given to the profile, since it is not subject to combustion and has a lower price.

First, guide profiles on the floor and ceiling are fixed, then rack profiles to the walls and only then the remaining vertical and horizontal profiles. When installing the frame, it is necessary to take into account the doorway – it should be strengthened with additional profiles.

The next stage of installation of the partition is the lining of drywall. For walls, drywall 12.5 mm thick is used and, depending on the partition, ordinary or moisture -resistant drywall is used. When sheathing, the space between drywall is filled with mineral wool or other insulation, which will maintain heat in the room and serve as noise insulation. There is a decoration to your taste – wallpaper or painting. The partition is ready!

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