Reliable fence of a construction site

by eco-economic

Construction sites, like city utilities, as well as road services pose a great danger to human life. In order to avoid accidents, injuries, due to the penetration of unauthorized persons into the site, it is necessary to conduct fences of construction sites.

A reliable fence of a protected construction site on which building materials are stored are fences. The main requirements for the fence are in the simplicity of installation and dismantling, as well as if it is necessary to transport it to another place.

By type of material, building fences are classified into:

Grid fence – rabits. The advantages of this fence are in a good review of the construction site and its entire territory, as well as in price affordability. The material is quite durable, the lightweight behind which you need to care.

The grip is a metal and plastic. Unlike the first, the plastic grid is not subject to destructive corrosion, as it has a protective coating and is not at all afraid of moisture. Also, the advantage of the material is its ease. Due to this, when installing the rack, there is no need to deepen it strongly. The edge of the roll is attached to the extreme rack, then the mounting of the plastic grid is carried out by ordinary wire or polymer thread.

The service life of the grid – rabitsa is approximately 50 years. As disadvantages of the material, it is not a very aesthetic view. In addition, the grid – the rabitsa will not provide reliable protection against penetration into the territory of attackers and animals. Usually used as a support for flowers and plants or as a basis.

The second option is a wooden fence is widely popular, since it is easy to manufacture and installed, practical, environmentally friendly and has an attractive appearance.

In turn, the fences are classified into:

Fence. This is a wooden, blown by the wind, a light fence made of pillars and directly from the picket fence.

Metal fence. This fence is reliable and strength. When installing, corrugated board is used. Since the fence is continuous, it provides reliable protection against the penetration of animals, thieves and wind actions. Material is made in various color solutions. The fence made of corrugated board has a rather attractive, appearance and will be indispensable if the construction site is located in a public place.

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