The slide is located, as a rule, in a well-observed place of your site, and is guided by the main slope to the east or southeast. The proximity to the trees is not desirable. The plot under the slide must first be cleaned of weeds and dig. The main materials used: earth, gravel, gravel, natural stone, sand, peat. Consider the set of the hill in series, in the order in which you will create it.
In the presence of a natural slope, dig on it a kind of “trough”, removing the upper soil layer, to place the lower layers of the slide in it. In the absence of a slope, make a bulk hill out of the ground. The earth can be taken from the pit, which you will drop for the pond near the foot of your hill.
The drainage layer, the lowest, is created in the “trough” or the base of large crushed stone with a layer thickness of about 10cm. On top, crushed stone is covered with a layer of gravel of the same thickness. By this, you lay the drainage system of your slide.
Planting mixture of soil, peat, sand in a proportion of 2: 1: 1 is poured above the drainage. The hill in the absence of the slope is made from this mixture.
Stones are located on the slopes or slope of the planting mixture with a light slope to the top with small intervals (planting pockets) for planting plants. The strictly symmetrical and strict horizontal arrangement of stones will not be convincing. A light creative mess, characteristic of natural harmony, should create the illusion of naturalness. And not more natural horizontal rows look more natural, but groups of stones. When installing, it is necessary to take into account soil subsidence under their severity. A beautiful stone with a flat top of the Plato is installed on top, if it is also the largest, then it is installed or hoisted with the first. The cracks between the stones should be vertical without the so -called “dressings”. Small stones are installed more closely, almost backward, and large ones can be placed “in a run”. And, of course, in the location of the stones, a certain easily guessed pyramidality should be observed along the slope.
In one of the past reviews of ready -made work, we talked about the glass wall of the house where, from a cozy situation, sitting in a soft furniture from Belarus, the hosts enjoy the sight of the climber all year round, which is built pyramidally, which provides the best review.
In the intervals between the stones, planting pockets are created for planting plants. Places that are not planned for landing are covered with a layer of crushed stone or gravel to reduce moisture loss and prevent the growth of weeds, and visually create the illusion of the integrity of your structure. Cracks and joints can also be filled with soil mixture for planting alpine plants in them.