Creation and dynamics of the development of the base
To fulfill the plans for commissioning a housing stock, a large-panel housing building must have a developed and flexible material and technical base of highly mechanized and effective enterprises for the production of structures and products expediently located through the USSR. The systematic creation of the base should be attributed to the beginning of the 60s. By this time, the general directions of the development of large-panel housing construction were mainly determined, a wide program of experimental construction of residential buildings was completed, structural, voluminous and architectural solutions of buildings were worked out. Starting from the post -war period, by 1956. In various cities of the Soviet Union, 163 large -panel residential buildings were built, and in 1959. About 1 million has already been commissioned. AD2 of total area. If you make repairs, build a house or you have your own workshop, you will need a high -quality and reliable tool that you can buy here – tool. The base of large -ground construction of that time was open semi -divided landfills, small workshops as part of the current plants of the prefabricated reinforced concrete for various purposes, temporary attitudes and production, organized at construction sites or in the immediate vicinity of them. The rapid development of the base of large-panel housing construction began with the mass construction of enterprises for the manufacture of sets of reinforced concrete products for residential buildings of the series 1-464. Construction was carried out according to standard projects developed by Giprostrmash in 1959-1961., For three gradations of capacities: 35, then 140 thousand. m2 living space per year.