The next summer season is approaching, it is time for gardeners and summer residents to take care of their comfortable stay in the country. Most people are the lack of elementary amenities that makes a long stay in the country unacceptable. After a work day, it’s good to take a shower in the country. Its construction will not take much time, and the benefits and pleasure are huge. The construction of a summer shower for a summer house with your own hands is not a very costly and not at all time -consuming. Moreover, in resolving this issue there are several options.
Ready shower
Buying a finished shower cabin will facilitate the task, it only needs to be attached to the water source, to establish a drainage. In order to save as a source for heating water, sun’s rays serve. Choose the most calm and sunny place, install a booth, a water container is reliably fixed above it, painted black for more efficient accumulation of solar heat. Can be used for heating and electrical appliances, in this case, elementary knowledge of safety precautions is needed.
Open summer shower
The construction of a summer shower for a summer cottage can be completely simplified by using the advice on building an open shower. You will need a watering can and a tap pipe with a crane. The watering can be attached to a wall lined with tiles or PVC panels, you can use any other water -repellent material that protects the wall from destruction. The pallet is easily built from any artificial stone. Such a simplest shower will allow to wash off dust, to feel all the charm of unity with nature.
DIY Summer Summer Shower
Great pleasure even beginner builders will be brought up by the construction of a summer shower for a summer cottage with their own hands. It is necessary to start with the choice of the right place – a sunny, located near the sewage system, the drain ditch or, at worst, the compost pit. This is necessary to solve the problem of water drainage. We make a small recess in the shower, from it the used water will flow into a certain place. A large diameter pipe located under the slope is useful for drain. They use the shower constantly, so not hygienically dig a large hole, hoping that the water will be absorbed by the soil.
The frame of the future soul can be made of metal (the most reliable, but costly option), wooden columns. The design should be durable to withstand the water tank located on the roof. Weathe the walls with any improvised material – boards, plywood shields, slate, etc.D. We finish the inner surface of the shower cabin with plastic lining, pleasant for the eyes and conveniently in care. To store the necessary little things we strengthen small shelves, hooks. We will take care of the safety of the floor. The boards must be used chopped, additionally treat them with emery or sandpaper. The surface should not slide, but also be without zabrin.
The problem with water procedures will be solved for the entire country season. For the construction of a shower with your own hands, you, be sure, deserve praise and words of gratitude from your home