The foundation of the building: some features.

by eco-economic

The foundation of the building: some features.

No wonder they say that first of all it is necessary to lay the foundation … And it doesn’t matter what is about-about business, work, some business or building a house. The foundation is the part of the building on which the entire load of the parts located above is, in fact, it is a supporting structure, without which the building cannot stand. The foundation, in general, can be made from anything, however, the most popular options today are stone, concrete and wood. The foundation is laid mainly so that it is below the depth to which the soil freezes – this avoids the bulging. For the construction of the foundation, special equipment is used. By the way, about the technique – you know that in the construction of one of the main costs is, in addition to the costs of wages to workers, also the cost of construction equipment? And since most of the construction equipment is taken in leasing, the cost of gasoline becomes perhaps one of the largest construction in the construction estimate. In this situation, most construction companies prefer to purchase gasoline wholesale – this allows you to at least slightly reduce the cost of its acquisition. However, the ability to purchase gasoline in bulk is also popular among other companies, for example, those who are engaged in transportation. However, back to the initial topic. For the construction of buildings, many foundation designs are used, but the most popular to this day remain glassy, ​​pile, columnar, slab and strip. When choosing the type of design, the most diverse factors incredible for an inexperienced layman are taken into account, however, the seismicity of the terrain and soil features are the main. However, the architecture of the building is also of considerable importance.

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