Today there are many methods for heating a house, but not all of them are economically profitable. Many owners of private houses use fossil types of fuel, such as gas and electricity.
Recently, there has been increased consumer demand for solid -fuel boilers for the reason that the use of solid fuel for heating, which is coal, wood, straw or other. It is considered economically feasible.
In our country, solid -fuel heating boilers are not so high, moreover, many manufacturers provide a large selection of different types of this equipment. The heating system of the solid -fuel boiler actually is no different from the use of a gas or electric boiler: the heat entering the room is transmitted through radiators, the water in which is heated due to the operation of the boiler.
The only difference is that their work is carried out in relatively high temperature conditions.
The main qualities of solid fuel boilers:
– simple operation;
– is an excellent basic or backup source of cheap heat;
– reliable, durable and safe.
If you decide to purchase such equipment, then when buying, be sure to pay attention to its technical characteristics, also study the instructions of a solid fuel boiler and contact experienced specialists who can correctly perform its installation.
Of course, the cost of the installation will be slightly increased, since it will be necessary to connect the chimney and make up to the heating system. However, such equipment in a rather short time will pay off itself and will further significantly save on fuel.