Rockwool insulation
Whatever the building material is chosen for the construction of the house, it is impossible to do without additional insulation. Today, the Rockwool company is the leader in the thermal insulation market, which has been producing materials for thermal insulation for more than a century. Now the most popular material for both private housing construction and industrial is the Rockwool mineral wool. I loved this wonderful material to the builders for their stunning practical indicators:
· Non -combustibility. Rockwool mineral wool can withstand temperatures up to a thousand degrees. Thanks to this property, cotton wool can delay the spread of fire;
· Noise insulation. In addition to the fact that mineral wool perfectly retains the heat of the room, it significantly reduces the noise level in the room;
· Information. This property is fundamentally important, because the cotton wool does not shrink, which means that its properties will not change over time;
· Water -repellent ability. Rockwool mineral wool does not absorb water, so it rains and snow are not afraid of it. The premises, the insulation of which is carried out with this insulation, will not suffer from excessive dampness;
· Vapor permeability. Surprisingly, the cotton wool Rockwool, not letting the moisture inside the room, perfectly removes it. If for some reason the room has become too wet, then mineral wool will contribute to the drainage of the room.
· Environmental friendliness. Cotton wool is made of mineral slag, natural materials, harmless to the environment.
And, of course, we note that Rockwool mineral wool helps to save heat, and therefore the costs of heating the premises are reduced. Some experts even say that Rockwool insulation pays a hundred times during operation precisely due to reducing the costs of paying the coolant.