Fashion trend in the field of real estate

by eco-economic

In our country, Taunhauses as a separate class of housing in the field of real estate have become popular relatively recently, while abroad they have been in active demand for many decades. In most of the population, the concepts of “Townhaus” and “elite housing” are nearby because such houses are more expensive than ordinary city apartments. But such a relatively high price easily pays off many of their advantages.

Such houses can be located both in the city and in the suburban village. Modern Townhai in the Moscow Region .Keramo.Org/Taunkhausy-v-Podmoskovye.PHP are spacious cottages, which consist of several sectors, in each of which one family lives. There should be no more than six sectors, otherwise it will already be an apartment building. Moreover, each sector has a separate entrance, and only the fact that they are in the same building unite them.

Typically, towhouses are built on the outskirts of the city to be away from large highways and industrial enterprises. An example of this in Russia is the suburbs that have a better environmental situation compared to a number of located capital. Such a cottage often has up to three floors, that is, its architecture is characterized by vertical development. Before each entrance to a separate sector, there is a small personal plot. Mandatory is the presence of a place for parking or a built -in garage located on the ground floor or in the basement.

On the ground floor of the Townhaus, the premises of the kitchen, living room, garage and utility rooms are located. The second and third floors are filled with living rooms – children’s, bedrooms, working rooms. Moreover, the fact that each floor has its own bathroom is especially convenient. In addition, there are all the necessary communications here, including hot and cold water supply, heating and sewage, telephone and Internet, cable television and gas. In elite Townhaus on the ground floor, a billiard room or a sauna may be located.

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