Perhaps it is impossible to come up with an area in which metal rolling is not used. Where do not look, this material is used everywhere. Such versatility is obtained due to the properties of metal, its low cost and simplicity of mounting. Metal distribution exists of completely different types, properties, sizes and types. Completely different areas of application, these are construction, industry and many other areas. Of course, the main area of application is construction and mechanical engineering. Various alloys and types of metal rolling are used, so alloys can be like iron, cast iron, chrome, manganese and others. The bulk of the mass consists of ferrous metals, because it is ferrous metals that have the best physical properties, as well as their low cost, in comparison with non -ferrous metals. By type of metal is divided into dozens, if not hundreds of different types and types. It can be wire and reinforcement, a square and a circle, a corner and a channel, an I -beam and a pipe. Also, sheet metal, hot -rolled and cold -rolled and others belong to the metal rolling. Metal structures are supporting structures that hold the load of various covers, buildings and other things. Sale of metal rolling is a profitable business that brings good profit. Also, due to the flexibility of the use of various types of metal rolling, any tasks can be performed. This can be, as a assembly structure from channels, beams and other things, for example, a bridge, this design will carry the entire load and will be quite simple in the collection. Also, the bridge can be built using reinforced concrete, the basis for which will be the same metal rolling in the form of reinforcement, cooked in a solid frame and filled with concrete. And there and there you can not do without metal. The difference will be only in the design itself, because the reinforced concrete structure can withstand large pressure on the clamp, and metal structures withstand large tensile loads. The design depends on these properties. Sometimes a fundamental property is the weight of the design itself, so to make the canopies to be light so as not to overload the columns that the canopy itself hold. For this, special metal farms are welded, which withstand the load and have a low weight. For any tasks, you can use metal rolling, it is only important to know the properties of the metal and sopromat.
Metal distribution
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