Metalworks based on the Urals
Metal car is an ordinary truck equipped with an additional manipulator (the work of which is based on hydraulics), which is used for loading/unloading scrap metal and metal waste. Metal trucks are characterized by several features: the self -propelled body is characterized by an enhanced design, the thickness of the bottom is at least 8 millimeters, and an additional power structure is present near the wings. Such a technique should invariably have a full -fledged blocking system, which is turned on while overturning the body. A similar system consists of safety cables, as well as hydraulic limiters along the corner of the alleged lifting of the body.
Self -loading is such a metal carrier
carried out at the expense of a hydraulic spool with a thorough flight, which has a high -quality and reliable petal grip. In some cases, cars are equipped with a bucket. Manipulator control is carried out using a remote control, taken to the outside of those. Means.
The unloading of scrap metal is ensured by lifting the self -sorting platform. To ensure the free unloading as possible, all walls in a metal truck are performed in the form of a swing -type gate, their sash is recorded near the sides of the car body.
Extracted reliability and cross -country ability are distinguished by metal drives based on the Ural platform. Thanks to this platform and the sale of garbage trucks has grown recently. They can work without problems in the most difficult climatic and road conditions. These metalworks are characterized by an affordable cost and excellent quality. If there is a dump truck in a metal truck, the tip angle of which is at least 50 degrees with a given type of unloading, the rate of unloading is largely accelerated, which contributes to the growth of productivity when working with the transportation of scrap metal.
The hydraulic machinePalator allows you to qualitatively control the entire construction of a metal carrier. Such management is carried out by only one person, which helps to reduce the number of necessary maintenance personnel. Hydroeveripulators are additionally equipped with a graphic bucket or petal grip. Metal carriers contribute to a lighter unloading of metal waste, which is achieved by raising the self -variable platform of the metal truck itself and the opening of the swings of the swing gates.
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