Hinged ceilings are an opportunity to simultaneously align the ceiling itself, and update its view in general. In addition, hinged structures additionally protect the house from moisture, and even flooding from the neighbors will not be scared. But how their mount is performed? Consider in more detail.
Initial preparation
Preparation begins with a complete alignment of the ceiling. For this, a certain level is selected and plywood or fiberboard is mounted on it. The first option is recommended, although it is more expensive. In principle, laminated and moisture -resistant plywood is sold at many bases of building materials. Its cost is similar to the cost of fiberboard in the store. So it’s not so big difference. The plywood is attached directly to the installed frame, or “tightly” is sewn to the existing ceiling (for the alignment, stone or metal linings are used). After the ceiling is leveled, you can begin to mount a frame for a hinged ceiling.
Hinged ceiling
It is a combination of aluminum profiles. Aluminum profile itself is mounted around the perimeter of the room, and the ceiling itself is further attached to it in the future. If a two -level ceiling (with decorative steps) is mounted, then the part that is lower is mounted on profile metal belts. If a glossy film acts as the first layer, then it does not need to be added additionally – it is mounted under a drywall box, where the fasteners are installed.
Completion of work
The work ends with mounting skirting boards, eliminating bumps. If necessary – the ceiling, plasterboard plates are whitewashed. Keep in mind that drywall is moisture -resistant material, so it is allowed to mount it even in the bathroom. Only one square meter of drywall is able to keep in itself without subsequent deformation about 7 liters of moisture!
After whitewashing, the ceiling must be allowed to dry for several days. And for this-you can not use the bathroom or kitchen (it is to cook or fry something, thereby increasing humidity in the room). So, you have to tolerate several days. If necessary – decorative thread is performed on drywall. True, for this sheets are used with a thickness of 5 millimeters, not thinner.