We quickly build the house ourselves, and at the same time we save!
Of course, the construction of fast -far -fetched houses does not occur in the blink of an eye, but much faster than ordinary country houses. For example, to build a building of 100m2 of brick, you need about 9 months., And the frame house of similar area will be ready, 3 weeks after the start of construction!
Moreover, you can build fast -far -in houses at any time of the year – both in slush and frost.
The assembly of the house does not require special skills and use of special tools, even heavy construction equipment is not needed.
Due to the small mass of frame structures, significant savings on the foundation of the structure are also based, that is, it is not necessary to build a major foundation. Frame houses are built in areas even with weak, unauthorized for the construction of soil. At the same time, the rapidly vegetable structures do not give shrinkage, contrary to brick or wooden houses. It also leads to the maximum reduction in construction time.
In such houses, when building, you can hide all communications inside the walls. And do the interior finish after the construction of the entire frame module.
Internal and external decoration of frame houses can be performed by any modern finishing materials at their own discretion. The uniqueness of the design of the rapidly gained structure significantly reduces the interior period due to the fact that all the corners of the premises are perfectly smooth at the stage of construction, in principle, like the planes of the walls themselves.
The peak of the construction of the above houses is not a spring-summer period, when the main part of the city residents comes the time of the summer season.
Each of us has the opportunity to become the owner of a full -fledged house with a stable strong design, low thermal conductivity, high comfort and environmental friendliness. And of course, the cost of such a house is affected by a person with an average income.