What a wooden house to stand?
Everyone knows that no house can be put without a foundation. After all, if it is not there, then the bearing structures will have nothing to fix on, and soil waters will penetrate inside without any problems, destroying all that, the creation of which the strength, time and investment were needed.
During the construction of wooden houses, probably many posed a standing question: “Which foundation to choose”?
It must be borne in mind that the material with which you have to work is hygroscopic and light. That is why the foundation of such a house should be waterproof, and at the same time not so strong and thorough if it were a concrete or brick house.
It is precisely these characteristics that lightweight and columnar foundations have.
The very name of the latter speaks for itself. The columnar foundation is represented by pillars closed around the perimeter of the base of the house, which can be made both from wood and from natural stone.
The most important and at the same time responsible for the development of a project of such a foundation is to follow the uniform distribution of the load. Such bases are used mainly if you build a house on swampy or sandy soils.
Lightweight strip foundations are prefabricated and uniform.
Building a monolithic foundation, directly at the place of construction, concrete is poured into the formwork, and reinforced concrete blocks that make up the basis of the strip base are laid with stacks next to each other on a layer of crushed stone or gravel.
The strip foundations are very strong and withstand colossal loads, but its cost is impressive.
And now, when you are completely sure that your home resembles a real one, without exaggeration to say, the fortress has come time to relax and relaxation. It all depends on everyone’s taste, someone orders Thai massage, someone lazily digs in the garden, in someone relaxes on the veranda with a cup of aromatic only prepared coffee.