What slopes to choose?
Undoubtedly, the installation of windows in an apartment or private house is one of the most important repair processes. Therefore, this stage of repair should be treated most carefully. Today, among the large selection of windows of various types, metal -plastic windows prevail, the installation of which is considered the most laborious.
One of the final stages of windows installation is the installation of slopes. Before you start installing metal -plastic windows, you need to decide on the type of slopes, each of which has its own disadvantages and advantages. The cheapest – plaster slopes. Due to a rather low cost, this type of sloping is more popular, but at the same time it is endowed with significant drawbacks. Firstly, a change in the temperature regime or subsidence of the house can lead to the appearance of cracks in the slopes, and secondly, plastering slopes will not maintain heat in your house, since they do not imply thermal insulation. In addition, plastering slopes suggest large time expenses for their installation, since they consist of several layers of plaster, each of which should dry. Slopes made of drywall also have a fairly low cost, but they also have much more disadvantages than plaster slopes. The slightest change in humidity in the apartment can lead to the fact that plasterboard slopes will simply deteriorate. Installation of drywall slopes takes approximately the same time as the installation of plaster slopes, that is, 5-7 days. The most expensive and high -quality type of slopes – wooden slopes. Slopes from valuable wood can serve not only by decoration of the interior, but also reliably protect the apartment from moisture and cold. But it is worth considering that the installation of wooden slopes is best left to professionals, since not everyone can cope with this. The most common type of slopes for today is plastic. This is due not only to the fact that metal -plastic windows and plastic slopes are well combined with each other, but also with the fact that such slopes have their own, significant advantages:
1) high sound – and thermal insulation.
2) for a long time of service (15-20 years).
3) simplicity in installing and using.
4) a large selection.