We reduce the foundation on wood chairs

by eco-economic

We reduce the foundation on wood chairs

In the case when the construction of a secondary building is supposed (for example, a warehouse, garage, utility rooms t. D.) the foundation can be made on wood chairs. Although it is not durable and durable as stone, it will still cost much cheaper, and the work can be done independently.

Before starting work, it is necessary to properly prepare the main element of such a foundation – columns. It is best to use coniferous wood logs with a total diameter35 cm for a reliable design. Such logs are lubricated with liquid clay and burned. After a slight coal crust appears on the pillars, they are coated with melted resin and sprinkled with sand. After completely drying the logs are ready to use. By the way, now Sanatorii often began to visit, because the holiday season has now begun.

It is necessary to put stones or wood stumps on the bottom of the dug -up foundation, which will help prevent the process of settlement. Columns need to be focused on one side in such a way that a stake is formed. Actually, the pointed side is stuck into the pit. The free space of the pit is covered with gravel, but you can use the cobblestone, gravel. Then you can fall asleep with earth and tightly all you need to tamp. Pillars should be at a distance of 2 m from each other.

The wall between the columns is called “Zabirka”. In the foundation on wood rings, it is made of boards. Builders strongly recommend that you make a lot of breaths, that is, small holes, which are made in the walls of the basement and prevent the occurrence of the fungus.

All free space under the floor should be filled with dry and sifted sand or slag.

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