Annual amounts – just build with us. Construction portal.

by eco-economic

Annual amounts – just build with us.

If possible, the entire list of repair and construction work, which must be carried out during the year in this building or construction, regardless of the type of repair and its volume, is included (enlarged). After compilation, the statement is transferred to the estimated group of the repair and construction workshop, which draws up the estimates of all work and withdraws the amount for each type of repair. The received annual amounts by medium and current repair are reported to each workshop to include workshop expenses with a quarterly breakdown and are for this workshop the limit of services for the current and medium repair of buildings and structures. On the basis of the workshop statements of the repair and estimates, a consolidated sheet of repair of buildings and structures is drawn up by a plant, which is an annual plan for all types of repair with an indication of the deadline for each object. Based on the annual plan for the repair of buildings and structures in this way, quarterly tasks of the repair and construction workshop are compiled. The preparation of estimates for each repair object is one of the main conditions for the planning of the repair and construction workshop; At the same time, the estimate is the main document both to establish relationships between the contractor and the customer, and to control the cost of the work performed. The heading of the form indicates the name of the object and the nature of its repair approved the total amount of estimates with the unit (including) for the cost of materials, transportation costs, wages, etc. The basis for calculating the estimates is unified norms and prices compiled on the basis of a clumsy reference book of norms. For compilations of estimates, the cost of one normchass of the 1st category according to the tariff conditions operating at the factory is accepted; 2) the cost of the material according to the price tags of the plant (current price list prices plus tariff and procurement costs); 3) the cost of machine gun by price list of mechanisms.

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